
Vue is an open-source model-view-viewmodel front end framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications. It can work with other libraries/frameworks.

Solutions provided

• SPA development with Vue composition API and options API
• Integration with frameworks like Nuxt.js
• Reactive programming with Vuex state management
• Developing PWAs with Vue CLI and routing
• Testing services like unit, end-to-end etc

Benefits & significance

• SPA development with Vue composition API and options API
• Integration with frameworks like Nuxt.js
• Reactive programming with Vuex state management
• Developing PWAs with Vue CLI and routing
• Testing services like unit, end-to-end etc

  • How is reactivity implemented?

    With Vue. reactive and Vue.ref for tracked dependencies.

  • How is state managed?

    Vuex facilitates global/module-based state management use cases.

  • What templating is used?

    Templates use plain HTML and v-bind interpolation.

  • How are components defined?

    As Vue. defineComponent or option/composition API based classes.

  • What routing is included?

    The vue-router module provides routing with nested/lazy loading.

  • What tools are used?

    Vue CLI is popular to build, lint, test with webpack, Babel, ESLint etc.